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FAQ --- If the print head does not produce enough material?

If the print head does not produce enough material?

1)Check whether the print head temperature have not reached 200 ℃ above (PLA), led to consumable cannot squeeze, waiting for the temperature rises to the set target.   

2)Check whether the consumables are knotted, which leads to unsmooth feeding.   

3)Check whether the consumables or pipes are not inserted in place, resulting in the failure of feeding.   

4)Check whether the temperature of the print head is too high, which leads to excessive softening of consumables and can't be extruded normally.   

5)Check whether the diameter of consumables is inconsistent with the diameter set in the slicing software, so that the amount of extrusion consumables is not enough.   

6)Check whether the consumables are blocked by dirt or nozzle blocked during extrusion.

7)Replace with better quality consumables.

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