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TRONXY 3D Printer XY-2 Pro Series (Titan) 255*255*245mm
TRONXY 3D Printer XY-2 Pro Series (Titan) 255*255*245mm

XY-2 Pro Series

US$ 152.40 ~ US$ 254.00
Reviews (170)
  • 2021-03-17
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     I bought this to replace my Creality Ender 3 Pro that was an absolute pain to keep leveled and calibrated. It was cheap and had auto bed leveling, so I pulled the trigger on it and I'm super happy I did.First, the pros:1) Leveling the bed was amazing with the auto bed leveling. My Ender 3 hurt to level. Physically and emotionally. This printer practically does it itself.2) Build plate. It's removable and slightly bendy so you can pop the pieces off easily. It's also has a 255x255x260 printable area.3) Setup was MUCH easier thatln the Ender 3. It comes shipped as pretty much two parts. A few screws to tighten and that's it.4) It's quiet! No more whirring and beeping noises when I'm printing! The whole house is thankful for that.5) Accessories. It comes with a usb thumb drive and micro sd card loaded with instructions, some test prints, and Tronxy's proprietary slicer program (which seems to work great, so I'm using that instead of Cura atm).6) filament detection will stop the print when your filament runs out so you can replace it and keep printing (yep, it has a stop and resume function).7) Saved the best for last. I didn't kleven know about this feature before I bought it and set it up. It has a touchscreen color display. The UI makes everything so easy to find. All the settings and controls and even a print preview of your gcode.Cons:I'm pretty sure this isn't the printers fault (I think) but the prints adhere to the print bed a little too well, especially when you print with a skirt. That skirt does not want to come off sometimes.This printer has big features for such an inexpensive machine. If you liked the Ender 3 but didn't like how user unfriendly it was and the lack of any auto bed leveling features, you'll love this printer. Very easy for noobs as well as more seasoned people to set up and get printing.
  • 2021-03-17
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     I bought this to replace my Creality Ender 3 Pro that was an absolute pain to keep leveled and calibrated. It was cheap and had auto bed leveling, so I pulled the trigger on it and I'm super happy I did.First, the pros:1) Leveling the bed was amazing with the auto bed leveling. My Ender 3 hurt to level. Physically and emotionally. This printer practically does it itself.2) Build plate. It's removable and slightly bendy so you can pop the pieces off easily. It's also has a 255x255x260 printable area.3) Setup was MUCH easier thatln the Ender 3. It comes shipped as pretty much two parts. A few screws to tighten and that's it.4) It's quiet! No more whirring and beeping noises when I'm printing! The whole house is thankful for that.5) Accessories. It comes with a usb thumb drive and micro sd card loaded with instructions, some test prints, and Tronxy's proprietary slicer program (which seems to work great, so I'm using that instead of Cura atm).6) filament detection will stop the print when your filament runs out so you can replace it and keep printing (yep, it has a stop and resume function).7) Saved the best for last. I didn't kleven know about this feature before I bought it and set it up. It has a touchscreen color display. The UI makes everything so easy to find. All the settings and controls and even a print preview of your gcode.Cons:I'm pretty sure this isn't the printers fault (I think) but the prints adhere to the print bed a little too well, especially when you print with a skirt. That skirt does not want to come off sometimes.This printer has big features for such an inexpensive machine. If you liked the Ender 3 but didn't like how user unfriendly it was and the lack of any auto bed leveling features, you'll love this printer. Very easy for noobs as well as more seasoned people to set up and get printing.
  • 2021-03-07
    Was up and printing in under 2 hours! Easy to put together easy to level bed very happy with it so far.
  • 2021-03-05
    ホットベッドのシールは、造形物が固着して剥がしにくいし、すぐに破れるので、ガラスに取り替えて使っています。ガラスなしでAuto Levelingを実施した後に、ガラスを置いてZero Adjustすれば使えます。ガラステーブルの端っこに100均で売っているアルミテープの小片を貼っておけば、センサーは反応してくれます。ガラスなら、冷めれば、造形物は剥がれるので簡単に取れます。
  • 2021-03-01
  • 2021-02-25
    Our experience has been great with this printer! It took my husband and son less time to put it together than it did to take it out of the box. Make sure to place the sticker mat on the bed before calibrating the Z offset or leveling the bed. If you end up buying a magnetic mat to go with this printer you will need to buy a different auto leveling sensor. Overall this unit has been great.
  • 2021-02-23
  • 2021-02-21
    Great product. Iv made prints better than my friend with $500 printers.
  • 2021-02-21
    I bought this so I could make deck boxes, and these have been perfect! very smooth almost perfect, there is some overhang but its 99% perfect. That's without changing the nozzle fan airflow that a lot of 3d printer engineers do, so im sure this could be made better, but for the price I'm more than happy and am glad I bought this over a more expensive 3d printer.The green Deck boxes I made first, and the blue was after some tweaking in my slicerTIPS?: (might just work with smaller objects and even then maybe just to me)1. Don't trust the computer, trust the first layer. Use it to get a good estimate but if its not sticking give up on having a nice surface stop and save the plastic if thats what you want.2. to get the plastic to stick, the flimsy sheet sticks much better, but if the nozzle isn't close enough and the first layer is stringy, stop it, and make sure to use a brim or something similar3. Combing mode was my savior, if your printer goes over a lot of open space and you notice a lot of string, combining mode not only made my prints better but cut down the time by 44%. The green decks were made without combining mode all, and they took 11 to 12 hours to print when the blue only took 7if the printer gets bad in the future ill update how long it lasted and if my opinion changed
  • 2021-02-19
    Ok, first off I have 5 Tronxy printers, I picked up 4 of these TRONXY XY-2 PRO with Titan Extruder in December of 2020 with their Christmas sale for $169. I have to say I am pretty impressed at that price point. Setup was easy to do, and I had a powered on printer in 15 minutes. After a manual leveling, the auto leveling worked pretty well. But I had some issues.Pros-Great price, quick to put together, great auto bed leveling, filament run out sensor, and all metal hot end.-The power loss feature actually works !!!-Auto leveling. Once you get a good manual leveling, the auto leveling does a great job. Despite by bed issues, I manged to get some great prints on it.-Pretty quite. I have multiple printers and multiple models, it is the quietest printer I have in its Factory state.Cons-The SD card in the the back. Why? I have no idea, the power switch is there too, but not a big issue. I ended up printing a SD card mount and using an extender for the SD card.-The print bed is ok, it comes in two pieces that you have to assemble yourself. I get some pretty decent PLA prints on it, but PETG managed to damage the first one pretty badly. After that I put on a few coats of hair spray to prevent this on the other printers. It mostly worked, but the bed on printer 2 took some damage. The bed is stiff but flexible to pop off the prints, but sometimes has issues returning to completely flat. Even with the mismatched clips (3 pink and 1 yellow on one printer, 3 yellow and 1 pink on another?? At least I had one complete set). The print bed is where I take off 1 star, since I had issues with 3 out of 4 of them.-One of my touch screens was very baddy calibrated, it took a bit, but I was able to get it calibrated.
  • 2021-02-15
    The price range of this printer is great for getting into 3d printing without breaking the bank. The print quality out of the box is good but you will have to play with the slicer program to do some fine tuning with your print plastic they all don't print the same. I have had fun learning with it and the auto bed levling is a nice feature to have
  • 2021-02-10
    TRONXY XY2-PROで薄肉成形するのは難しかったです。例えば0.4mmの1層成型でラジコン飛行機の翼等を作るには、小さい穴が多数出来やすいです。特に、内側の補強リブを成形できる条件で行うと表面の小穴がスタートポイント付近に多数発生しやすいです。3dlabprint社の飛行機データを購入し成形しましたが、表面が上手くいかず、最終的に スライサーソフトの Travel の Enable RetructionをOFFにしたら表面の小穴が減少しました。ほかの条件も3dlabprintの情報からいじりましたが、余り変わりませんでした。ちなみにwall thickness 0.4 layer 1infill density 0Temperature PLA 230 BED 55travel speed 60cooling OFFBuild Plate Adhesion type : BrimMesh fixes ; Union overlapping volumes ; OFFSpecial mode ; surface mode ; NORMALExperimental ; Slicing mode ; EXCLUSIVE* Enable Retraction ; OFF
  • 2021-02-10
    先週 XY2-PROを購入しました。軸の移動ユニットがX軸のフレームに対して傾いて取り付けられていました。上部の六角ナットの端面に丸い突起があり、その分 移動ユニットが傾いて取り付けられています。これが正常な状態なのでしょうか?
  • 2021-02-10
    5年前に20万以上もした3Dプリンター Maestroで全然うまく印刷できず手放して以来手を出さなかったのですが、セールで17000円と安いのでだめもとで買ってみたところ、最初の1台めはZセンサーの故障でステージに激突ですぐ返品したものの、交換品として再度購入したものは、期待以上の働きでした。本体に付属する黒いベースは、固定しにくく、またステージのヒーターがうまく伝わらず、はがれやすくてまただめだったかと思いましたが、ネットで評判の良い3Mのマスキングテープを本体付属のボードにはり、いわよせピタッとのり塗布に変えたところ、TronXY純正PLAでフィラメント208/ステージ60度 Fineで印刷するとはがれもなく0.15mmピッチできれいに仕上がりました。ALIEXP経由でTron純正のガラスステージ&Zセンサも買ったのですが、今のものでも問題ないためこのまましばらくは使い続けようと思います。サイズは22cm四方までですが、ステージの糊さえ選べばコスパ最高です。(センサーの異常の場合には、即返品しましょう。)
  • 2021-02-05
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  • 2021-02-03
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     Amazing quality, especially for the price! I can't believe it. I don't know how they can even do this even if they didn't make a profit, it's incredible. Much better than my first 3D printer that I bought 5 years ago! this thing prints great Straight Out of the Box. Sub $200!? Wow
  • 2021-02-03
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     Amazing quality, especially for the price! I can't believe it. I don't know how they can even do this even if they didn't make a profit, it's incredible. Much better than my first 3D printer that I bought 5 years ago! this thing prints great Straight Out of the Box. Sub $200!? Wow
  • 2021-01-30
  • 2021-01-24
  • 2021-01-21
    Works better than most printers. Haven’t had a single problem with this masterpiece. Love it
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