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TRONXY X5SA Pro 3D Printer 330*330*400mm
TRONXY X5SA Pro 3D Printer 330*330*400mm


US$ 538.20
Reviews (51)
  • 2021-12-16
    The value for the money was good. It is very much a kit. If you have experience from a prior build and want to explore core xy printing and want a bigger build volume, this is a good kit.I say that prior experience is important because I had to bump the Vref voltage to the Z stepper drivers to get it to work properly. Otherwise, the build was pretty straight forward. You should watch a few videos on the build on YouTube to get familiar with it. I would highly suggest investing in a set of 20 or so 2040 corner brackets with t-nuts and screws included to help square up the frame and add rigidity. They are cheap and easy to install.The GoodThe printer is very quiet as it has TMC2225 stepper drivers.The linear rails for the XY gantry are very sturdy and smooth moving.The heated bed warms up very quickly owing to the 24V power supply.It has a large print volume.It is not built with any 3D printed parts.The aluminum extrusions make it very sturdy.The BadI had to adjust Vref to the Z stepper driver. Not horrible, but that is why I say you should have some prior knowledge and experience.If you want to add a second extruder or have independent Z drivers so that you can use G34 to sync both sides of the build plate, you will need a new mainboard and install Marlin yourself (which is pretty easy to do these days). The mainboard that it ships with only supports 1 extruder. I will probably do this later.I had to give it a 4 instead of a 5 because of the Vref Z stepper motor problem.This was not in the manual and online help did not cover this topic.It is a good value.It can be made much better with the plentiful mods available from Thingiverse and the various user groups online.