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Customer Reviews (463)

  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    to start off I'm not an expert and this is my first 3d printer. It only took about 30 min to get assembled (watch the video on the flash drive that comes with it). I down loaded the software that was included and it seems to be ok so far. (i did have to install it twice bc I didn't follow directions). the how to connect to computer Power Point that was on the the flash drive is of an older version but if you take your time you can figure it out. i decided to print a test model with the filament provided. and after a little trial and error i got it printing. so far I'm impressed. the model i printed was just a simple one to see how everything works. and the quality of the print is better than some of the stuff ive bought that was 3d printed. i defiantly recommend this printer as an inexpensive way to get started.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    Just got it up an going this thing is vary good out of the box
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    I bought this as my first 3d printer, skeptical about the price and brand but upon opening all of my fears vanished, with solid construction and great packaging, I knew Tronxy wasn't messing around. I have had ups and downs setting up this printer, my first prints were failed because of premature z-axis motion, but I found a way around it. When printing, you want to(1) preheat the bed and extruder to 60C and 200C, after that you want to(2) manually adjust the bed and press home, afterward (3)use the controls to move the nozzle to the center of the bed (4) pre extrude some filament to prevent clogging during prints(5) select file to print.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    I love this printer it pretty much worked for me right out of the box. I dont know if its the best printer for new user's but I think its great. I plane on buying a few more. It's my new favorite printer.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    I need to let you know that I'm a newbie at this but I've done months of review on this printer. When I first got the printer I thought that the align was wrong but it was me. It only took about 30 mins to assemble. But for the wiring, if your new like me, you'll have to watch the video on where the wiring goes. You also have to switch the switch, which is on the back of the power supply, to 110 volts. But it does have 220. But once it was together, an bed was levelled, an I preheated, I was up an printing. You'll also haft to print at 60 to obtain a good quality print but this is stated in the guidelines with the printer. Once I switched the speed, which I did in the beginning, I was alright. The only bad thing I see so far is that it is a pain in the a## to get off the bed. Also, check your x an y belts to make sure that are properly moving. But overall, for the price an the quality an look of the printer, I'm very satisfied. It also comes preloaded with gcodes to instantly get you printing. An the touchscreen is very responsive. Sometimes you do have to press twice, but for the most part it does respond. An the heating process is very fast. For me to reach 200 on the bed, it only took about a min or two. This also includes the nozzle heat. The fan is low, but when you start to print it is noticeable but not to where it's beyond loud. It's still fairly quiet when printing. If you are a newbie like me an want a starter printer, you should definitely get this. An for the price, why wouldn't you.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    It was totally totally genuine. I print a example off sd card. I was a success
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    日本語説明書は付属のUSBに同封されていないのでメーカーのHP上からダウンロードする必要があります。(他メーカーと比べ説明が非常に親切です)製品の質にはとても満足しているのでここでは初心者向けに説明書の補足と3Dプリンターの知識を書き綴ります。(説明書と順序が異なります)(時間に余裕があれば長いですが大事なので全部読んでくださいね)上記の説明書をDLし終えたら組み立てをする必要がありますが僅か3パーツしかないので楽です。(他製品では小さな装置ひとつひとつを組み立てる段階から始めるので難易度が高い)まず説明書どおりに組み立て・配線と専用スライサーソフトをインストールしてください(まだ電源は入れない)第一に各軸が正常に動くかの確認&調整です。説明書にも細かく書いてますが左右前後に動かして”引っ掛る”部分がなければ調整する必要はありません。しかし私の場合は台座のY軸が奥に行くにつれ引っ掛かりが強く次第には動かなくなりました。これは自力で解決したのですが説明書の指示にあるような”ナット”を緩めても直らず、台座の下のモーターと本体を固定しているネジを緩める事で解決しました(工場でネジを強く締め過ぎていたのが原因) 問題なさそうであれば電源を入れて、操作パネル上で手動で前後左右に動かして異音がなければ成功です。第二にレベリングです。この製品には2万円前後の機種にはない自動レベリングシステムがあります。これは台座が斜めに傾いていないかの確認を赤外線で距離を測って数値で確認するもので非常に便利かつ重要なシステムです。それがない製品の場合、目視で判断することになるのですがビー玉など球体を中央に置いて転がらなければ成功!と一応判別できるものの±0.05mm以内の範囲に抑えなければ造型に問題が生じます。※レベリングは造型1回ごとにするのが理想です。造形が長時間に及ぶと各部のナットが緩み台座が傾く事が頻繁にあります。また、ノズルの先が造形物に接触し転倒→造型失敗に繋がります。※レベリングを適当にすると造型初期段階で手前と奥でフィラメントの出方が薄かったり濃かったり、そもそも輪郭をなぞらない場合が起きますがこれは水平でないということです。※±0.05mm以内の範囲とは四隅の数値で判断してください。中央やそれ以外の数値に大きな変動があっても四隅さえその範囲内なら必ず成功します。lさて、レベリング時に使用する台座の準備ですが内封されている”アクリル?上の半透明”なマットとそれよりも弾力のある”真っ黒のロゴマーク入り”のマットの2枚がありますが使うのはアクリルマットのみです。というのもロゴ入りマットは熱で変形して ”たわむ” のでそれが造型の失敗に繋がる事が何度もありました。付属の固定具で止めても無意味です。また赤外線の探知距離がかなり短く、そのたわみが原因となって台座との距離がつかめず、ノズルが台座に突き刺さるように押し込むことが何度もありました。なので変形の心配がないアクリル板を使用します。その後、説明書に従い自動レベリングを行います。それで表示された数値を元に何度も何度も調整します。各所合計値が±0.05mm以内に抑える事ができたら成功です。第三にノズルの高さ調整です。レベリングでノズルと台座を水平にし終えたらノズルの高さを決めます。これはフィラメントの定着に影響を及ぼします。よく紙のプリント用紙一枚が少し刷れるぐらいがちょうどいいと言われていますがまさにその通りでここはテストプリントの結果と照らし合わせて”何度も”調整してくださいね。プリント開始時に丸い輪郭を描く所を角ばったような線を引いていたらそれはノズルの高さが高い場合が多いです。(または台座が水平でない)第四に一通り終えたら説明書にあるやり方でフィラメント入れていきます。挿入が非常に面倒で毎度苦労するのですが先端を斜めに切り落としておくと少しは楽になります。上手く入ったらフィラメントの画面上で温度の表示部分を押して過熱します。200度に設定してください。温度が規定値になればフィラメントの押し出し装置を作動できますが上手く通っていない部分はガガガガと詰まる音がします。必ずチューブ内にそれが通ってるのを確認してください。溶けた物が一定量で流れて出てきたら成功です。l印刷を快適にかつ確実に実施する為に台座に人手間加えます。先ほどのアクリルプレートを取り外して、それに養成テープを張ってください。これにより表面に凹凸が出来て造形物がはがれ難くなります。しかしそれだけでは不十分なので100均で3個入りのスティックのりを買ってきて養成テープの上に塗ります。これでどのメーカーのフィラメントを使っても絶対に剥がれなくなります。養成テープは表面が破れたり汚れたりしないかぎりずっと貼り付けていても大丈夫(造型プレートが各メーカーより発売されていますが数回の使用で高価がなくなるので養成テープ+スティックのりの組み合わせが一番 2.3回薄く重ねると完璧)第五にいよいよテストプリント開始..と行きたいところですが付属のテストモデルだと時間がかなり掛かる割りに満足度も低いので形状が簡単ですぐにできる実用的な物を作りましょう。以下からデータをDLしてください(thingiverseというwebサイト上で”Cubistand Pencil Pen Brush Holder Stand”と検索 緑色のペンホルダー)lダウンロードしたデータを3Dプリンターに読み込む形式に加工するため、付属のスライサーソフトのセッティングを行います。説明書に従ってまず各数値の入力をしてください。簡単です。造型範囲さえ間違えなければ大きな失敗は起きません。設定画面を閉じて3Dビュー(最初の画面)に戻って、先ほどDLした STL形式 のデータを入れます(4つあるので全部)そして左下のセッティングをクリックをし設定値を入力します。この設定値ですが作りたいものによってその都度変更する必要があります。大きなモデルで造形が繊細さを必用としないのであれば速度を上げて印刷すれば時間を短縮できるし、造形が細かくしたい場合は精度を出す為に遅く、またフィラメントを細く出すように設定する事で良質な仕上がりになります。l≪調整ポイント≫①layer Height=フィラメントの細さを調整する設定です。これで造形物の細かさが決まります。        0.08mmが最高品質で通常は0.2mmでそれなりに良い品質になります。速度を重視するなら        0.3mmでもOK。0.3mmでも造型後に模型用のパテで積層痕を埋めるとという手間を掛けることで        造型時間の大幅な短縮が可能です。②Infill Density=内部の密度を調整する設定です。推奨値は20%になっていますが4%で充分です。③Printing Temperature=温度の設定です。どのメーカーのフィラメントでも205℃で問題な造型出来ています。            (印刷中に温度が上下するのでちょうど良い温度よりも+5℃程上げると良いです)④Build Plate Temperature=台座の温度の設定です。これが低すぎると溶けたフィラメントがすぐに硬化してし              まうので特に部屋が寒い場合は温度を上げてください。65度がちょうど良いです。⑤Print Speed=速度の設定です。50~70で設定するといいです。造形が四角形や丸で単調な形であれば        70でも問題なくいけます。細かい場合は50かそれ以下にしましょう⑥Support Overhang Angle=台座に接していない浮き上がった部分をどこまで補強するかの設定です。⑦Build Plate Adhesion Type=台座から造形物が印刷中に剥がれないようにするための設定です。特に小さく細長いパーツなどは剥がれやすいのでこれで設置面を増やす必要があります。Typeは”Brim”にして10mmとすれば充分です。他は触る必要がありません。今回のデータを印刷するのに私が設定する数値は①0.3mm ②4% ③205℃ ④65℃ ⑤60 です。4つのパーツを右側の移動・回転ボタンで1~2cm程の均等間隔を開けて配置しましょう。支柱となる棒は縦のままで大丈夫です。レベリングが正常に水平になっていれば成功します。下の Prepare というボタンを押して出力データを完成させましょう。SDカードにデータを入れて本体に差し込みます。さてさてようやくプリントができますヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ操作盤のホーム画面よりプリントを押してそのデータを出力します。出力中も速度や温度等は変更できます。この際、ちゃんとフィラメントが押し出されてるか確認してください。最初の数秒間は出ていないことがありますが段々と積層されていきます。おつかれさまでした あなたの3Dプリンターライフが実りあるものになりますように~~~~~補足①このマシンは一見このメーカーが一から独自に開発したように思うかもしれませんが実はこれ”Ender-3”という安価な3Dプリンターが急速に普及するきっかけとなったとあるプロジェクトで作られたマシンの派生品です。なので同じ見た目の製品の場合はパーツに互換性があったり、パーツなどに互換がある場合があります。メーカーごとに違うのは操作盤・ノズルの形状・電源の位置等です。メンテナンスや各軸の調整は同じです。l②メンテナンス。3Dプリンターは造型に非常に時間がかかる為、思っている以上に軸がゆるんだり動きが鈍くなるなどの問題が起きます。造型に異常があれば頻繁に左右前後動くかどうか確認してください。そして稼動部には注油しましょう。注油は他のサイトやブログではあまり書かれていませんが必要な作業です。配線等に掛からないように5-56などのスプ
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    Very simple to put together. Great for a first timer like our family.The program it came with is easy to use.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    It's a good start things I would change thermal runaway needs to be turned on but it's not hard at all to do it yourself bed leveling knobs should be bigger and easier to get to but besides that I think it's a rather decent machine
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    I love this printer, after using it for a few days, it’s amazing. Assembly took under a hour, then getting setup was even easier. Came without a SD Card which was awesome, and I’m sure it’ll be even better when I use Octoprint. This spider webs a little bit, but I’m sure that’s on my end, overall amazing product, works amazing, and well worth the money
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



     Great machine for beginners. You can bolt it together level the bed and print. With some mods I am getting fantastic results with the xy2pro. Am even able to print flexible filament . I always just ditch abl and add a z limit switch and glass bed to my printers but the abl feature did seam to work the 1 time I let it run. This type of sensor does not work reliably with a glass bed. The machine showed signs of being tested at the factory( filament in hotend) which is very rare for a Chinese company. The stock hotend cooler is less than optimal as it blows on the hotend also but just about any can duct for an ender 3 or x5s on thingiverse will work. Also print yourself some bigger knobs for the bed level screws and save the hasstle of the stock ones. The left rear is especially difficult to reach.The chassis is all 20/40 and 40/40 extrusion and is very rigid. The rubber feet are quite stout too.A very competent printer for the price point for sure with a few mods and very little money can be a great printerThere are also a few Facebook groups with fantastic members that can help out with any questions that may arrise
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    It took some time for me to work out everything but the customer service is on point that work with me threw everything and this 3d Printer is great love it
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    Building the XY-2 was easy. Tronxy has made it easy to build and fast with all the parts come well packed and organized and easy to put together by following the instructions the printer is about 90% put together. There is a 8gb micro-sd card and card reader with the printer that has all the instructions to build the printer and the 8gb card and be use for offline printing. I like the full-color touch screen you don’t see that with other printers in the same price range and a 33bit control board and with power-loss makes this printer price right for any one with a budget and to get you started in the awesome world of 3d printing. With this printer being all metal frame it is very strong and stable. The filament run out feature is a nice add on if you plan on doing long prints. it will pause the printer if you run out of filament. It has a large print bed that will suit the average person needs. now the bed is just 12v so it take a bit to heat up. This printer comes with a 32 bit control board that uses chiTu firmware the interphase is easy to use and navigate to all the settings with having a 32 bit board you can get some good prints at higher speed. Getting the bed level was fast and easy and was one of the fastest printer I setup. Would highly recommend purchasing this printer.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    This printer is to good to be true wow I'm so happy right now thank you tronxy I was expecting it to be junk but it's better then I could have ever imagined!! I will be riding a few more soon well worth the money
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    I am using the I3 settings, changing the bed size, and it seams to be working. This problem really is on Cura's end, and to be expected, they can't track down all the printers and add all of them.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    I go this today and it took between half an hour to an hour to assemble. I was missing two screws and found them among the styrofoam packing material. From what I have read here this must be common for them to get lost in the packing material. The other problem I encountered was the x-stop was not working. I tracked it down to one of the pins had come loose from the connector plug. Once I pushed it back in all axis worked perfectly without adjustment. The touch screen is really nice and is so much better than black and white screen that uses a wheel for control! I was perplexed about how to level the print bed until I discovered the manual is on the included usb thumb drive. I levelled it once and noticed the middle was too tight so I levelled it a second time with it just barely touching the paper (no scraping and was able to slide the paper back in after removing it). Loading the filament was easy. Just preheat the nozzle and select the load button, then insert it by the geared entrance. It loaded perfectly and the very first print attempt from the included sd card was perfect. I also found a cura like slicer on the sd card and am printing my own design as I am typing this. The settings for the slicer can be found in the manual from the sd card. (The sd card fits into a usb holder so I use the terms sd card and usb interchangeably). A couple of very minor things to overcome and then it prints like a dream. The bed adhesion is very good and the included scraper was too big to get under the print. I used the thin scraper I already owned with no problem.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    This one was easy to build and all of the wires are clearly labeled. The instructions are just one page and I recommend watching the build video. Once I got it assembled I needed to tighten the belts which is fairly easy and make a few leveling and squaring adjustments. This printer is on par with other similar brands and I am able to print just as good on this one as I am on my other 3 printers. The plastic build sheet isn't as tough as Id like it to be so I will be using a glass bed on this one. Also the scraper tool is not as good as the scraper that has been included with other 3D printers that I own. It comes with all of the tools you need to build the machine and adjust the already assembled bolts. The printer has a filament run out sensor that will automatically pause a print if you are about to run out. The pause feature is great for swapping out filaments! Leveling is also easy as the firmware has a leveling procedure to help me level 5 points on the bed. This might be a tough first printer for a new user, but some trial, adjustments, and tuning is always needed with a new machine. I'm really enjoying this one and it is up and running with great results!
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



     The Tronxy XY-2 is a great printer. I printed a test cone and it came out smooth. At first the printer needed a few adjustments such as belt tightening. As a couple failed prints and the adjustments its prints great. Tronxy also has great customer support and they walked me through any issues i had. The touch sceen is really responsive and it allows you to adjust the printer settings (temp, speed, extrusion) even during a print.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    I bought this printer back in November and have been blown away by both the printer and the customer service. The printer arrived in 2 days and was packed neatly with foam. Assembly took around 20 minutes. Then I ran into a problem, the nozzle wouldn’t heat up and kept on giving me an error screen. I contacted Tronxy and Abby helped me diagnose the problem and sent me a replacement board the next day. Installed and now prints great! Pros: -Great build quality -Easy assembly -Tools -Amazing customer service -Touch screen controls Cons: -Touch screen settings and features were confusing at first. Organized differently than standard LCD screens running marlin. 5/5 Would definitely buy again!
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    Love it..can't wait to learn more about 3Ding!!