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Customer Reviews (463)

  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    半年前に購入。 たまに動かす程度なので、作成したものは10点ほど・・・。ある日、電源を入れたら初期画面と”ピピピピッピッピー”と音は鳴るが画面は真っ暗。暫くして再起動して・・・の繰り返し。  メーカーに問い合わせたが対応悪い。 マザーボードを注文しようとしたが在庫切れ。 みんな壊れてるんだね。。。 他のメーカーにします。
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    this is the perfect 3d printer for a first time user or someone that has been 3d printing for a long time. this is not the most quiet of 3d printers so i would suggest creating an enclosure for it to keep the noise down and regulate ambient temperature. the prints that i have made so far have been great as far as print quality. i tend to run a bit slower and a little on the thin side as far as layers. for most prints i will run 35mm per sec. and .15mm layers with 40% infill. running that on this machine produced a very nice product. i have not ran any miniatures on this yet and i am going to guess they will be difficult to fine tune.absolutely love this machine and it may be sitting in the first printer place in my production room.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



    まず、多くの方が印刷サイズと価格のバランス、Core XY方式という点で魅力を感じ、当レビューをご覧になっていると思いますので、それを前提にして満足できるのか?という観点から下記に述べていきます。簡潔にいえば、大は小を兼ねないということに尽きるのですが、実際家庭用の機材でこれほどまで大きな印刷スペースを要することは稀です。将来的に印刷したくなった際に大きい方が潰しが効くと考えがちですが、毎回の印刷時にこの大きな機材を維持していくという隠れたコストがかかってしまいます。具体的には2点、占有スペースと消費電力です。スペースに関しては160サイズの段ボールよりも大きくなります。一般的な門型のender-3 Mega Sなどといった人気モデルが2台、よりコンパクトな光造形のMars2であれば4台は置けてしまいます。そうなんです、いつ印刷するかわからないような大きな物のためにこれだけの体積を常に占有してしまうんです。それであれば、上記のような人気モデルを買って大きな物は分割して印字する、急ぐのであればそれらを複数購入して並行して印刷する方がスペースあたりの効率は何倍にも向上するでしょう。次に消費電力です。ご存知の通り、積層式の3Dプリンターはヒートベッドという機能で印刷面を温めながら材料を積み上げて印刷をしていきます。高級機であれば内臓であったり、効率の良い温め方をしますが、この製品の場合はオープン型ですので常に外気によって熱を奪われてしまいます。つまり、印刷面が大きいために放熱範囲がおおきくなり、温度を維持するには面積比以上の電力が必要となります。そしてこれは印刷時の小さい物や大きな物に関係なく毎回必要になるコストです。無視はできない大きさです。また、この製品に関してはガラスベッドを標準搭載しており、これで実際に印刷してみましたが、とてもまともにフィラメントが定着しない物でした。PLA樹脂は比較的定着しやすいのにも関わらず、です。対応として、印刷面の温度をかなり高めにする、あるいはフィラメントの温度を高くしてスティックのりを塗布すると改善傾向にありました。印刷サイズに関しての結論は維持コストとその対応力のバランスを考えると多くの方には不要であるということですね。CoreXYという新しめの方式に関してですが、他メーカーでは高速印刷出来ることをウリにしたものも多く、この製品に関してもそれを期待しがちですが、前述の印刷面への定着の悪さやボーデン方式である上にエクストルーダーからヘッドまでの距離が遠くフィラメントの送りや引きのレスポンスが非常に悪いことから安定した速度はかなり低めとなってしまいます。具体的にはPLAでよくて60-70mm/s程度でしょうか。一般的な門型と比べて特段早いことはありません。そのため、筆者はダイレクトエクストルーダー型への改造を検討しています。改造は容易にできるようです。最後に組み立てに関してです。難易度は通販で売っている組み立て家具を自分で組み上げることができる方であれば可能というぐらいです。難点もあります。組み立て説明書が英語表記であることと、説明図がレンダリング画像になっていて実際の組み付け写真ではないことです。前者に関しては、筆者は翻訳が怪しい日本語よりはネイティブな英語表記の方が良いと思いますが、後者は想像以上に難儀です。パーツ位置や細かな向きなどを把握するのが難しかった。またネジが部品に予め取り付けられているのにも関わらず、必要と表記されているために実際にはかなり多くのネジが余る(正しく組み上げたのか心配になる程です。)ことになったり、使うネジの種類が多いのにも関わらず雑多にまとめて入っているためにこれらの仕分けが必要であったりして実際の組み立て難易度よりも多くの時間がかかってしまいました。具体的には8時間ほどです。もし2台目を組む機会があれば半分ほどでいけると思います。結論として、どうしてもこれを選ぶという人がいるなら少なくとも2台目、いや3台目以降にした方がいいと思います。今のプリンターである程度の精度や速度を出せているのにも拘らず、サイズの足枷で分割せざるを得ない、あるいは諦めているといった方が仕方なく手を出す、ぐらいのものです。安易に手を出すものでは決してありません。初心者の方は印刷したものが思ったよりも綺麗にできた!嬉しい!といったような成功体験を得るには不向きです。この製品は3Dプリンターに魅了された、今風の俗っぽい言い方になりますが沼にもう肩まで浸かっているという人間が一縷の望みを持って導入するといったものだという結論です。ご覧いただきありがとうございました。
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    The XY-2 Pro Titan has been an excellent printer with only a few minor upgrades;1) Glass build surface. While not necessary, and even troublesome by comparison to the included build surface, the glass build surface offers far better bottom surface quality and superior longevity.2) TR Sensor. Included with the glass build surface, it is required as the XY08N does not detect opaque surfaces.3) Yellow bed springs. Far more rigid than the included springs, the bed tends to wobble less with them installed.4) Capricorn Tube. No explanation needed. Once you look it up, you'll understand why it's necessary. The included bowden tube will get you by for now, but order the Capricorn Tube ASAP for a far superior printing experience!Aside from those few things, I've found this printer to be of much higher quality than originally anticipated. It has far exceeded my expectations!One note: When I installed my TR sensor upgrade, it worked momentarily but after power cycling the printer, I could no longer move any axis!! However, Tronxy is replacing the sensor and the motherboard under warranty. I own several XY-2 Pro Titan and the original XY-2, amongst others, so the down time isnt the end of the world, and it's wonderful that they're taking care of the issue rather than sweeping it under the rug like some other companies tend to do.
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    This printer offers superior print quality compared to my Ender 3 and Ender 3v2, at a fraction of the price.The titan extruder is a nice addition, and has been great to work with when printing Tronxy TPU (black, blue and yellow all work fine without any modifications).I upgraded the bowden tube to Capricorn and installed a PEI build surface, but ended up going back to the original/included build surface for simplicity, since I only really print PLA and TPU and both stick to it fine.I've enjoyed this printer so much that I'm looking to purchase the Tronxy X5SA-500-2E next.
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    I have some mixed feelings about this product.There are things I very much like....And things I wish didn't get chosen due to limitations.So bottom line it works... from setting the box on the table to working product... 15min.... I took my time and made sure it was squared up. 45 min later I have nice prints coming out in abs...2 hrs later it very well calibrated.The extruder is a very good well known design, excellent choice.The hot end is run of the well.The table is tronxy sized...poor choice of sizes as it has little if any aftermarket support as its odd sized.It does print well nice clean prints.What I like less...Micro sd slot in the BACK.The odd sized bed come with flexible fancy plastic build surface...I had a spare glass surface from a different printer... the z zero stop appears to be capacitive or magnetic in nature this resulted in continuous crashes only averted by my quick placement of a metal spatula close or below it causing it to sense a stop.It couldn't sense the glass. Too bad because glass is my preferred surface and it lasts longer. This sensor will need to be replaced...period at least for me.I may have missed it... but active z adjustment doesn't seem to be selectable when printing...and I found z axis drift between prints . This lead to me making mechanical adjustments on the fly at the beginning. It also lead to that odd sized textured print surface having scars already.Once a print started well... it moved along and very successfully completes the print.So it works... I would rather have a z stop switch and manually level than use the provided auto level.But it does make nice prints out of the box using cura and tronxy specific settings.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00


    山崎**** 保

  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



  • US$ 538.20



    The Tronxy x5sa pro is my third 3d printer. I chose it because I wanted to try a core-xy printer in a larger format and I wanted a kit so that I could tinker with it. The printer arrived well packed and all the parts looked great. I was impressed with the linear rails, all metal z guides, titan extruder and overall fit and finish.I saw a couple of assembly videos before buying this so I knew what to expect. The assembly manual is bare bones and leaves out some important adjustments that should be done such as adjusting the tension of the linear guides as they all where too tight. One thing about any 3d printer is that the frame needs to be 100% square. I used a carpenter angle during assembly and added some right angle brackets on every possible corner which really helped in getting it perfect. I saw a video in which the user had trouble getting the gantry square but I found it to be pretty easy. All I did was push the gantry all the way back and attach the belts. I then positioned the gantry in the middle and checked for squareness. I was a little off but I just determined which side needed to be tightened up and tightened it up by one belt tooth. That was it, easy peasy. (After a few prints, I found that the belts stretched so I had to tighten up both sides of the built by the same amount)I got some decent prints straight out of the box but the print took too long in my opinion. I decided to change the firmware to marlin 2.0 and that worked fine. However, I missed a few features of the tronxy firmware, namely the screen that shows the results of the automatic bed leveling that made adjusting the beds physical position easy and the view of the object that displayed when you picked a file off of the sd card. Also, I want to try the Tronxy wifi module so I went back to the tronxy firmware and started investigating why it was slow. I found a post online that suggested that the acceleration was set extremely low for a core-xy printer so I modified the firmware. This is easier to do then marlin since all you have to do is “print” a gcode file instead of having the compile new firmware. I saved the old configuration and then modified the configuration with the following:M8006 I120; starting speedM8007 I20; rail turning speed (Jerk)M8008 I3000; accelerationM8007 E20; E rail turn speedM8008 E120; E accelerationM8012 I300; XY maximum speedM8013 I30; Z max speedM8014 I150; E maximum speedM8500 save configurationAfter changing to the above configuration, the print speed was much better although cura (my slicer software) greatly inflates the estimated print times.One mod I made after a few prints is to tie the two z screws together with a belt. I did this because the z screws turn rather freely when the printer is off causing one side of the bed to drop. The belt just ties keeps the two sides in sync.One last note is that I found that the Tronxy support to be very helpful. I had a self induced problem with an upgrade to the printer and their support staff worked for several days to get it resolved. This was done over email since their work hours are different then mine. I usually get a response to my emails around 9-10 pm est. Having them help me with a problem that I caused really has earned my respect.
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    The media could not be loaded.  I love this printer however, two things I am likely to change to my personal tastes:1) Autolevel2) BMG extruder over the Titan.Thats about it for this silky smooth printer!!
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    The media could not be loaded.  I love this printer however, two things I am likely to change to my personal tastes:1) Autolevel2) BMG extruder over the Titan.Thats about it for this silky smooth printer!!
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    The media could not be loaded.  I love this printer however, two things I am likely to change to my personal tastes:1) Autolevel2) BMG extruder over the Titan.Thats about it for this silky smooth printer!!
  • US$ 357.23 US$ 664.00



    I can only complain about 2 things. First is the steppers disabling at the end of the print requiring bed leveling on each print. Second is it is a bit slow. Besides those 2 things it prints well.
  • US$ 538.20



    I can only complain about 2 things. First is the steppers disabling at the end of the print requiring bed leveling on each print. Second is it is a bit slow. Besides those 2 things it prints well.
  • US$ 357.23 US$ 664.00



    Die Originale Firmeware war für mich ein kraus und flog gleich am zweiten Tag runter und wurde durch Marlin ersetzt. Dann ging es weiter mit dem umbau des Druckkopfes E3D V6 Nachbau, die Lüfter wurden zum teil von 24V auf 16V gesenkt und das Netzteil bekam eine neue Abdeckung ohne Lüfterschutz was der Lautstärke sehr gut tat. Winkel wurde auch hier bei Amazon gekauft und sind zu empfehlen. Licht durfte natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Alles in allem bin ich jetzt Mega zufrieden. Da ich schon Erfahrung mit 3D Druckern habe war es mir klar, das ein umbau un umgänglich ist und man so noch mehr raus holen kann aus seinem Drucker. Wer es sich nicht traut mit den umbauten kann trotzdem zugreifen wenn er ihn für einen schmalen Taler bekommt. Ich zahlte 389€ und wusste ungefähr was ich bekommen würde. Wer sich das zusammenbauen nicht zutraut dem kann ich einen Anycubic I3 Mega S ans Herz legen.
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  I finally have my printer at home working, without problems. The inconveniences that may arise with this equipment are in my case the control board did not work in the first shipment, I returned and they sent me a new one that did work but the SD card did not read the card. I looked everywhere how to fix the problem and I did not find an answer. I called amazon and they contacted the sellers, where they very quickly concluded that it was an equipment malfunction , and I returned it again and ordered a new one. got the printer today and without any problem, everything is perfect. I recommend 100% this Tronxy team in my opinion it is the best budget printer on the planet. tronxy printers are like Jeep Willys. They are endless.
  • US$ 152.40
    US$ 254.00



    Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  I finally have my printer at home working, without problems. The inconveniences that may arise with this equipment are in my case the control board did not work in the first shipment, I returned and they sent me a new one that did work but the SD card did not read the card. I looked everywhere how to fix the problem and I did not find an answer. I called amazon and they contacted the sellers, where they very quickly concluded that it was an equipment malfunction , and I returned it again and ordered a new one. got the printer today and without any problem, everything is perfect. I recommend 100% this Tronxy team in my opinion it is the best budget printer on the planet. tronxy printers are like Jeep Willys. They are endless.
  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



  • US$ 278.57 US$ 445.00



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